Gen.G League Of Legends
International2024 Mid-Season Invitational Championship
Regional2024 League of Legends Champions Korea Spring
Regional2023 League of Legends Champions Korea Summer
Regional2023 League of Legends Champions Korea Spring
Regional2022 League of Legends Champions Korea Summer
Regional2021 LCK Challengers League Summer
International2017 League of Legends World Championship
InternationalIEM Season XI Gyeonggi
International2014 League of Legends World Championship
Regional2014 League of Legends Champions Korea Spring
International2024 Mid-Season Invitational Championship
Regional2024 League of Legends Champions Korea Spring
Regional2023 League of Legends Champions Korea Summer
Regional2023 League of Legends Champions Korea Spring
Regional2022 League of Legends Champions Korea Summer
Regional2021 LCK Challengers League Summer
International2017 League of Legends World Championship
InternationalIEM Season XI Gyeonggi
International2014 League of Legends World Championship
Regional2014 League of Legends Champions Korea Spring
News and Youtube.
2024 MSI 결승전 중계 리액션 하이라이트2024. 5. 21.
EP.03 ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL2024. 4. 26.
EP.02 WIN OR LEARN2024. 3. 8.
EP.01 NEW CHALLENGE2024. 2. 8.
승리의 한타 스페셜 에피소드2024. 4. 19.
승리의 한타 EP.04 (Gen.G Voice Comms) 2024. 3. 29.
승리의 한타 EP.03 (Gen.G Voice Comms)2024. 3. 20.
승리의 한타 EP.02 (Gen.G Voice Comms)2024. 3. 2.
승리의 한타 EP.01 (Gen.G Voice Comms)2024. 2. 5.
Gen.G Global Academy 젠지글로벌아카데미
전화번호: 02-511-3445 | 이메일: | 상담시간: 10:00 ~ 19:00 | 686-87-01764 | 대표자 PARK YUCHAN | 통신판매업 제2021-서울강남-01611호
젠지글로벌아카데미학원 | 강남 제 13267호 | 서울특별시 강남구 선릉로111길 6 1층, 2층
젠지글로벌원격평생교육원 | 강남 원-669호 | 서울특별시 강남구 봉은사로49길 38, 2층 전체
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